Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Molested Japanes On Train

social relationships often can lie without feeling guilty, it is indeed a good end.
"You mind to please others. Not to offend him. Why is not always necessary to say everything. Omit. Refrain. The elegance and courtesy are white lies. Pirouettes with bow without a shot being fired. Small hypocrisy. "
Lying to yourself is another thing. Someone does, but Maria Dolores Vergara is not capable.
In all schools of writing, when you get to talk about the characters, highlighting the need for writer to know every detail of his creatures, every nuance and facet of their character. Elisabetta Bucciarelli is skilled in this and it is amazing the care with which tells us about his character.
Maria Dolores Vergara is a very complex character, as his thoughts that never go in one direction, into a road, come back, leave, without interruption, a frantic carousel where, however, dominates the confusion but not a rigorous logic.
"They're called retropensieri, Anime little linear produce it in quantity. Relatives of the complexity, thickness, anxiety, insecurity. Born on the path of doubt and sunset over the rubble of destruction. Minano relationships, challenge those sentences, connecting points sidereal and destroy any responses to common sense. pointed straight at an end. "
For all the people who shun the certainties and answers too easily and inevitably fall in love with a character like this.
Inspectors Corsair and ropes are somewhat minor characters but Elizabeth Bucciarelli describes them with the same care given to the player and with few brushstrokes, from the "hair gel invaded by" the one and the "stray trichological" the other, makes it a very effective portrait.

begins and ends here.


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