Sunday, September 19, 2010

Can Cider Vinegar Cause Black Stool


A famous song of the 80 read :"... summer is ending, and a year goes .. " The summer is coming to an end and that's like every year I find myself, to analyze the performance of the flies used during the season.
This, no doubt, was the summer of caddis pupae, I've used a lot, especially at night, even in the absence of hatched, and among all, it was distitnta number of Catch the one I'm am about to describe.
To realize imitation of this I was inspired by a book written in Eastern Europe where they are cataloged a series of artificial typical of the area, the book, now unobtainable, is entitled Musek Lexikon, and contains, in the chapter on caddisflies, a number of pupae whose originality lies in the wing pouch obtained with the fur of a deer ... intuition .... ..... just fantastic!
I was astonished by these imitations, now I'm sitting in front of the terminal to carry them out, but only after many, I was able to adapt to my needs dressig
the artificial fishing is relatively simple to implement, are few elements, however, to be determined correctly otherwise you may get too clumsy imitation. Of course you can change the color scheme, especially the body, to obtain a series of caddis pupa imitations of really capturing.
love: Dopek G series # 12
fitting silk: white
body: LM dubbing color Hydropsiche
rigaggio. ; yellow silk thread
back: taken from the pheasant tail barbules
bag wing: deer hair
chest: 50% rabbit hair 50% peacock ice dub
feet; deer hair
head CZ dub dark brown


1. I love it slightly weighted with lead or copper as shown in the photo

2 - fixed near the bend of the hook u floss yellow

3 form and wrap the dubbing to form the chest

barbules of the 4-wire taken from the tail of the male pheasant as shown in the photo

5 pheasant fibers turn toward the bend of the hook and at the same time we fix the yellow wire forming rigaggio chest cut fibers in excess leaving a small tail

6 - how to fix shown in the photo without the deer hair and balance them with the tips pointing toward the eye, cut the remainder of the hook to the cruvatura

7-colored with a permanent marker on brown wire assembly and the start dall'occhiello wrap the dubbing to form the chest to end with the wire mounted behind the wing pouch.

8 - after having turned on the hair of deer staring into place to form two "humps"

9 - now you just have to fold under the artificial bits of deer hair to form the legs of the artificial

10 form a small head with brown dubbing node after closure and gathered into a deer the artificial legs is ready


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