Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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important choice. Finding your way?

I'll be back with you in the blog to address the issue of orientation, because even though seemingly simple choices that we do after graduation of maturity are, then, those that affect our lives permanently.
Whether educational guidance (for selection in subsequent education) whether professional (Aimed at identifying a career path) the body of the reflections invest the same areas because, sooner or later, you have to leave the band and set out into the world of work.

The point is that, whether a case is in another, the reflection shows, however, "heavy" because of some "wasted" five years of his life to do a degree course that is inconsistent with that amplifies then the feeling of not understanding where to go.

When a student is preparing to close the school curriculum is riven by multiple sensations. On the one hand, the perception of a certain "fatigue" on the surplus tasks and checks that put an end to the relationship with teachers and exams, the other a sense of "killing" for failing to "see" what will be strategically "after".

In Italian culture of Italian parents, there is - and is unlikely to be eradicated - the conviction that, while waiting for their children decide what "will / will be great," universities are the preferred parking where waiting for them to stay the miracle is accomplished. His parents are, however, unaware that there are now professionals and agencies that deal with guidance.
The guidance to date is seen as a purely commercial action implemented for the sole purpose of increasing the coffers of this or that school / university is, however, important activity that should be paid as much attention as possible.

Imagine for a moment what it means for parents and children deal with the problem of choice with the support of a qualified person who has the sole purpose of doing good of the person? It would mean, for starters, to save an incredible amount of economic resources, and psychological time trying to figure out what the right way. Today there are tools for diagnosis and prognosis evaluation capable of understanding the interests and motivations professional. Not to mention the paths of individual and group counseling.

Then there is the question of aptitude. Most of us usually chooses (or plan to do so) according to their own vision of things, underestimating the power of rumors, the clichés and trends. Often you hear a friend, relative or just you look around to see what are the jobs of the moment, forgetting, roughly, the most important thing: to listen themselves.

Attitudes often speak to us and guide us in our everyday choices, but we usually do not listen to them. Yet should a natural result ... the natural choice as a main course instead of another, or do a sport instead of another.

The choice of the profession of our lives - remember to listen in - may be the most obvious thing, and also the easiest. Instead, it is not. This is especially so, perhaps, the idea that scares us, ultimately, may even be too good to be true.
In my career I have specialized to direct several times met people, graduates and recent graduates, who before the most optimistic expectation of being able to turn an interest in a profitable and rewarding work I said "in life you can not do that you want. " I will tell you, I do not claim these I have never understood, especially from people with your whole life ahead.

And besides, if in life we \u200b\u200bcan not choose our work, what else can we do? Of course, some jobs require preparation, tilt more than others, but all jobs are subject to the same rule, because, believe me, even to work in a call center must have attitudes and skills of a certain type and a certain thickness. No one can do every job. There are streets that we walk more easily than others, and this can only mean that the attitudes we are pushing them ... of course. Fashion Ground
We are conscious, fashion is an area that requires an attitudinal component of some importance, and certainly not its weight is negligible. It is the gratification of the person, but most of his future professional success.

Fashion is, by its nature, one of the most desirable areas and at the same time, one of the most competitive because it is based on talent and, unlike other professions, which can mystify wisely. When you do not have talent, you can not cheat. Companies sgam suffered a genuine person with no talent. You do not need and do not know what to do.

This is the fundamental reason of our academic philosophy: a prior assessment of creativity for us to be honest with parents and potential students. Apart from the ethical and professional discourse that obliges us not deceive anyone, we want to be sure that the appreciation that there will be companies that take our students is the greatest and true advertising that we can hope for.

Some guys, being rejected for admission, we were wrong. Very bad. We have seen the disappointment in their eyes, but in our hearts we think we have given them an extraordinary service for young people should not be deluded ... if anything, should be helped to understand. There is nothing wrong with being rejected for an admission test. If we did we would do it - for the reasons set highlighted - the world of work.

Let me conclude this post urging parents and children to consult a qualified guidance counselor to determine attitudes, choices before bankruptcy. Do not feel alone in this endeavor.

We have!

the next.
Prof. Dr. Joseph Ferraro

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Auditions Free Previews

Blue4Promo and Cicero's Virtual Telecom Italy

The partnership agreement with Telecom Italy still continues as the successes of Blue4Promo. It was concluded
the big event Lucca's comic and game held last November. The
Blue4Promo has been used in various areas of the city to communicate the program hour after hour of current events.

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Blue4Promo presents her as Digital Signage! The Proximity Marketing

E 'was issued a new release of Blue4Promo which brings together the communication on the phone to that of the video.
born today VIDEO4PROMO the new channel of Italian newsstands. The first cities are wired
Rome and Milan, but soon will begin installations in other cities.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

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Relations with Russia

President Medvedev congratulates Obama for his open diplomacy, but at the same time Prime Minister Putin, as always, a critical look at U.S. missile shield , originally composed of two terrestrial stations site in Poland and the Czech Republic , which instead will now be made by sea through naval missiles SM-3 .
For this reason, the U.S. allies in Eastern Europe, freed from Soviet hegemony just twenty years, they feel neglected and frightened by Russia (consider the problem of gas in Ukraine and the war in Chechnya and Georgia) , with the removal of U.S. ground.

The Russia continues to see the Shield, not as a legitimate means of defense, but as a weapon of attack, which responds with new weapons. In fact, in this way, the U.S. could hit the enemy states and the famous rogue, no problem. But I think it is illogical to think of an offensive missile launch by the United States, to large countries like China and Russai, worried from this divine shield.
"Russia needs to develop offensive weapons to meet U.S. anti-missile shield" , these are strange words for Putin . A fairly convoluted reasoning, almost like that of criminals, with the improvement of the security measures of flats or banks, buy weapons increasingly sophisticated.
"Russia will continue to develop its strategic offensive arms even after the signing of the Start-2. Without nuclear weapons can not defend our country, since there are other countries willing to join the nuclear club , q hese about the words of Medvedev.
When the two states are renegotiating the Treaty of disarmament. "

Thanks to our good relations between Putin and Prime Minister Berlusconi, we think that Russia is a great nation among many others, other than that of 20-plus years ago, while really is a great power that opposed as ever to the U.S..
have been signed bilateral agreements after the disintegration of the USSR, but the danger of a destructive battle for humanity as a whole remains high. Russia, on a direct admission of Putin does not want to build their defense system, but only to attack.
Both sides, therefore, are competing to see who you feel more beleaguered, the victim who does more. I am not responsible attitudes, particularly by Russia, the only one to discredit the legitimate ideas for a defense.

One must however compliment with Russia, for having removed a large quantity of arms since 1990, so that it has now only one third as you can see the Wikipedia page on bilateral agreement Start-1 ( link).

Medvedev to Obama: "Next in the dialog" Ansa
Putin: Russian missiles against U.S. shield "L'Unione Sarda
Biden reassures allies in Eastern Europe The Western
Medvedev "Nuclear weapons even after the Start-2" Bluewin.ch
Start-1 Wikipedia

Friday, January 1, 2010

Corrigan Everett School

Obama and passenger aircraft and fighter

failed attack aircraft. "What has happened is totally unacceptable" (Barack Obama).

Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab is the name of 23 year old Nigerian student in London for three years and in 2009 in Dubai, December 26, 2009 attempting to carry out a massacre in the sky on a Delta Airlines plane, headed from Amsterdam to Detroit .
His name, because of a danger of fundamentalism, it was mentioned earlier by his father, a banker, the U.S. Embassy located in Lagos, Nigeria.
Fortunately, the young man was stopped by a brave passenger, this Jasper Schuring, 32 year-old Dutch.

Immediately after the news, security measures were tightened in the Netherlands, where all passengers traveling in the U.S. from Amsterdam, will be subjected to corporal scans (using equipment that will cost a total of 10 million Euros needed to flush out small quantities of explosives of the Nigerian, or 80 grams of PETN ), and France. In Paris, in fact, all luggage will be loaded into the hold and the passenger must show the objects that carry a clear plastic bag in hand. Singapore Airlines is known that the passengers, an hour before arrival in the U.S., can not move from their seats and may not have even a blanket over himself.

The boy is now a member of Al Qaeda said, but his name was not on the list of "undesirables" (550mila names), because the U.S. embassy in Laos this, advised by his father , would not have shared the information, the name given to the authorities responsible for the lists of individuals barred from boarding scheduled.
As a result, Obama is under the observation of the various U.S. agencies likely to national security, or CIA, NSA, NCC and the Department of State .
The president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthuc C. Brooks, interviewed by Marcello Foa, said that more controls are useless and harmful for millions of honest travelers, and it would be better to streamline the bureaucracy of the various security agencies. Criticism is acceptable, even if it was with GW Bush that people saw narrow your privacy.

It is believed that the terrorist has acquired information is, whether the explosives in Yemen , thanks to his confession and confirmation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sana'a (Yemen's capital) in relation to his presence, in December in that state.
Now the U.S., along with forces of Yemen, are seeking other bases of Al Qaeda, after the missiles fired in the second half of December 2009 that killed 34 terrorists, in order to carry out raids aimed at capturing the various States and subject them to interrogation .
meantime, however, Americans mourn 7 CIA officers, died during an attack in Afghanistan.

Link Obama: "Errors and responsibilities Human Il Corriere della Sera
Obama: "Please review lists suspects Quotidiano.Net
more stringent security measures CronacaeAttualità
X-ray Free-flyers News
Obama and terrorism. And 'real Breakthrough? Marcello Foa
attack in Yemen in December TgCom
Ready raid in Yemen Il Corriere della Sera
Yemen, the U.S. hit bases of Al Qaeda Il Corriere della Sera
Afghanistan, CIA fallen Ticino News

Hunting Bows Hoyt Prices

Come back

For 2010 resurrect this blog, since it is inventing Obama beautiful!