Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gold Tiger Stripe Desert Eagle


Only the white rhino can appreciate ... Good
hot at all!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What Do People Use For Fake Cigarettes In Movies

The apotheosis of goldfish

From June 26 to July 25, Malvezzi-Hercolani Castel Guelph (Bo) hosts Like a fish in the flood shows that collects the original drawings based on the book by Mia Lecomte ( published by Sinnos).
In addition thereto, the municipality guelfese commissioned the creation of a sculpture that faithfully reproduces the protagonist of the story. At the center of the Renaissance cloister so dominates the three-dimensional version of the goldfish. The work is
Marcello Magoni , the same who formed the "elephantine" pink elephant on the occasion of my staff at St. John Business Directory.
The excitement at seeing the brave portrayed tridimesionalmente goldfish was great, so much as its size (2x4 meters)! The honor is reserved for the fish, however, by no means undeserved ... It is thought that it is thanks to him that humanity has survived a flood flow that "universal"! As in the past sculptural monuments were dedicated to the great leaders because their deeds were remembered in time, so for a month that will pay homage to Fish "... simple, fragile, common. A saint? A poet ?..." to which we should all be grateful! An anti-hero of other time ...
Here are some photos of the exhibition.