Monday, January 26, 2009

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After the party, to solve the problems of the Big crowds for Obama

After the great feast of the settlement of Barack Obama, the most expensive of all time (150 million dollars ), which have seen participation U2 and Bruce Springsteen and many other stars, we are going back down to earth in the sad and harsh real world. Obama knows this world well, if in fact he used to get elected very often the word hope, now the new word is responsibility.

The old problems of the U.S. and the world are the usual suspects, economic crisis and war, and afflict the new presidency for a long time.

In the first case the choice of Obama for increasing the number of workers at home staggers relations with China, the U.S. badged as many companies have relocated in the past in "red earth". This will obviously lead to cuts of Chinese workers.
"53 MPs have signed a letter asking the Federal Government that any public subsidy is" conditional on the creation of American jobs in America, jobs in China Chinese
(Source: The Republic )

As mentioned earlier in this blog, there will be a massive state intervention riqualificherà that schools, public buildings (such as doubling within
3 years, the use of renewable energy sources in America)
and roads, all this is to improve the quality of life, but also to create jobs in a country that has recently created an alarming number of unemployed (a new bad news says that Caterpillar will cut 20 000 jobs. Source: The Republic ), also because greed of a few crafty finance. These massive interventions in difficulties for state coffers, increasing the public debt. For this reason "there will be massive cuts in social spending , especially pensions and Medicare, Public Health for the elderly whose cost is greatly increased under President Bush" (Source: Il Corriere della Sera ). But these cuts will not affect the number of persons to receive, in fact Obama had focused heavily on the promise of extending control and medical care to all citizens: " cut healthcare costs through a massive program of computerization of the sector, which will extend health coverage to about 8 million Americans (Source: Alice ) interesting to note that there is no TV in the U.S. who misinform, read here what FOX says about the economic measures against unemployment.

Famous battagglia Obama against the consumption of today's automobiles. He wants that by 2020 we can go with 1 liter of gasoline at least 15 km. The major manufacturers that churn out sports cars, SUVs and luxury sedans are on alert, but Obama says that they must prepare for the future, which are not measures against them (I was in their produrrei only small cars, wanting luxurious interior, as sports cars are useless and eat, I dare say, as a bus carrying 100 people compared with 2 and as a GT 9 times out of 10 cities in an SUV is used by a single person).
in Piedmont was presented a car covered with thin solar panels (source: Quattroruote ). This would be a real change!
One step forward, however, Obama has already accomplished, in fact, asked the EPO (the American agency which deals with the environment), to accept the application, provided by the State of California to impose strict limits on ' pollution. Request rejected by GW Bush (Source: The Voice of Italy )

On the war, Obama in addition to the announced withdrawal from Iraq, has signed a decree closing the prison at Guantanamo to be performed within 1 year the prohibition of torture do (source: RaiNews24 ).

must have been the most spendthrift of history for the presidential inauguration, but maybe it was just blatant show affection to those who have placed so much trust in him!

Link: NY TIMES on new licenses

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

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I think after Marilyn Monroe, Obama is the myth of America's most famous and formidable in the world! While we can not change almost anything, and while not making it, in fact the team have said many times that There is a lot of former Clintonites, impressed the people to be change. Repeat a lie a thousand times (CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE) and people will take it to an unassailable truth.
It 's like the old system he invented a pretty face different from the usual to find new blood.

We come to your establishment! Here you can see 16 photos of the memorable day today:

NY TIMES: Obama is sworn in as the 44 th President

THE TIMES: Obama sets fresh course for remaking America
USA TODAY: Enter was responsability of
WALL STREET JOURNAL: Appeals for unity and hope
FORBES: Obama Takes Office, Saying choose "hope over fear "
NEWSWEEK: On the metro, we hear America sing
I would like to link to an editorial in a magazine that I just discovered, Dissent: Another America

PS: If I can, translate some articles in the future

Monday, January 19, 2009

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Il. ..

Today, January 20, 2009, Barack Obama swear by 44th President of the United States of America , bringing with them, as you well know, a bevy of former Clintonites and recent scandals, however, have not touched in any way (his seat in the Senate put on sale by Democrat Rod Blagojevich and exit from team Obama Bill Richardson, former governor of New Mexico, because of alleged favoritism towards a 'California-based company which was to the same well-paid Bill for his primary race. Source: Msn ).

It does not end here, in fact, a recent news has it that
the new Minister of the Treasury Geithner have failed to pay taxes for $ 34,000 in recent years and would pay only for three months the equivalent of the benefits for the maid , immigrant (Source: La Stampa )

I just found an interesting news reported a blog site ABCNews , in which Joe Biden said second within 6 months from the date of this statement (20 October 2008), Obama will be the victim of an attack (brrr!)

surprising, however, Obama's silence towards what is happening in the Gaza Strip. I read that in the past, legitimized the right of Israel to defend itself. If you are happy

output Double Iu, you may want to show your sympathy for the new American president by a shirt like this ...

you tomorrow!