Friday, December 12, 2008

Motorbike Thermal Suits

change has come the revival plan for the future by

Ph: PBO 31
License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License

As already known, for Obama's solution to the economic crisis moves from restructuring road infrastructure in the U.S., through the most important investment plan the 50s of last century.
restructure the public buildings through energy-saving techniques and also will install computers with Internet access in every school.
Everything will return to work, all created by the current unemployment crisis, or 2 million and 500 thousand Americans.
But with the Senate not to bailout (15 billion) of auto manufacturers (General Motors, Chrysler, Ford), the situation will become more gloomy, in fact the houses have the resources to get there only until March 2009 and disocuppati could touch the "summit" of 3,000,000 ...

To combat global warming and innovation in the energy sector, Obama has chosen as Secretary of Energy's 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics Steven Chu . The team "environment" is also composed of Lisa Jackson (Department of Environmental Protection), Nancy Sutley (Council for Environmental Quality) and Carol Browner that oversee energy, environment and policies for the climate.
Tom Daschle, who instead will be his Minister of Health, will implement a thorough reform of national health existence, in fact Obama does not like the current system is at the expense of the poor.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Should Battery Recycling Be Mandated By Law?

old eyes

Ph: David Drexler from Flickr
(Under Creative Commons License Attribution 3.0 License)

Before giving the sensational news, just express my own concern, namely that Obama may be a kind of cardboard bursting illusions , created by old and not very progressive leaders of the Clinton era to return to the fore. In a world dominated by global, but with the same interests as always, can be so! Maybe it's just my pessimistic view and complottistica, because I also think that his choices are dictated by the need for experience and unity.

The news is this: Hillary Clinton , Obama's rival in the primaries of the Democratic Party, was chosen as U.S. Secretary of State. Role that is now covered by Condoleeza Rice.
Other appointments:
Eric Holder (57 years) at the head of the Department of Justice, Janet Napolitano head of the Department of Homeland Security. Obama's adviser for national security will James Logan Jones (65 years). For the defense of American interests abroad should be established Robert Gates (65 years, is organizing the withdrawal from Iraq) would be more democratic

not choose even before their advisers, various Secretaries? Because if you then return the old ones, with the vote because so much happiness, hope and determination by ordinary people, it loses value and it all seems a farce!

Obama and the first disappointment. Corriere della Sera
Why Obama picked Clinton. The Nation
to the Secretary of State we can not believe in. The Nation
Obama complete the team. The Unit