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As already known, for Obama's solution to the economic crisis moves from restructuring road infrastructure in the U.S., through the most important investment plan the 50s of last century.
restructure the public buildings through energy-saving techniques and also will install computers with Internet access in every school.
Everything will return to work, all created by the current unemployment crisis, or 2 million and 500 thousand Americans.
But with the Senate not to bailout (15 billion) of auto manufacturers (General Motors, Chrysler, Ford), the situation will become more gloomy, in fact the houses have the resources to get there only until March 2009 and disocuppati could touch the "summit" of 3,000,000 ...
To combat global warming and innovation in the energy sector, Obama has chosen as Secretary of Energy's 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics Steven Chu . The team "environment" is also composed of Lisa Jackson (Department of Environmental Protection), Nancy Sutley (Council for Environmental Quality) and Carol Browner that oversee energy, environment and policies for the climate.
Tom Daschle, who instead will be his Minister of Health, will implement a thorough reform of national health existence, in fact Obama does not like the current system is at the expense of the poor.